Sports Premium Funding
Sport at Our Lady of Ransom
We take sport very seriously at Our Lady of Ransom and want our
children to be active and enjoy taking part in sporting activities.
Sporting Success at Our Lady of Ransom
School Games Gold Mark achieved every year since 2016/17
School Games Platinum achieved since 2022/23
In the academic year 2023-24, we had the following sporting successes:
Assisi Catholic Trust 'Hot Cross Run' WINNERS
Assisi Catholic Trust KS2 Field event WINNERS
Curriculum PE Provision
Our children are involved in a range of timetabled curriculum sporting activities throughout the week.
All of our teachers lead one PE lesson with their class each week.
In addition we employ a specialist PE coach, provided by the Castle Point and Rochford School Sports Partnership.
This coach provides PE teaching during Planning Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time for teachers,
ensuring that our children get the very best PE provision.
We provide excellent swimming teaching for every child in our school.
All children (Years R-6) receive a weekly lesson in our school pool during the summer term.
This ensures that our children are proficient swimmers by the time that they leave us.
The percentage of Year 6 children who can do the following always nears 100%:
~ swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres
~ use a range of strokes effectively
~ perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Extra curricular PE
All children have opportunities to take part in PE at lunch time which are led by one of our specialist PE coaches.
Children also have access to a range of extra curricular sporting activities, either before, during or after school.
In 2023-24 these included:
Netball Football (boys and girls) Cross Country
Athletics Cheer-Leading Tennis
We have also introduced the following in the past five years:
A new all weather running track to enable all children to run 'The Daily Mile' throughout the year.
A dedicated all weather surface for playing table tennis (three outdoor tables)
A new long jump pit
A set of mountain bikes to be used for Bikeability training and extra fitness and fun sessions.
Sports coaches from the Castle point and Rochford School Sports Partnership to cover the lunch period each day. They work alongside our Year 6 Play Leaders to organise games for children in the playground.
Sports Premium Funding
In addition to our investment into the ‘Basic’ membership services provided through the School Sport Partnership, we have also bought further support through ‘Enhanced’ membership.
This is a bespoke annual plan tailored to suit the specific needs of our school.
Our school is continuing to make a significant investment in PE and School Sport, beyond the normal investment allocated through Sport Premium funding. We feel this to be important to the overall development of the children and the understanding of health and well-being.
All year groups benefit from weekly curriculum lessons from a specialist member of the School Sport Partnership team. We have built a strong relationship with this member of staff and feel that this consistency in delivery will enable us to progress PE as a subject and challenge our students appropriately.
Further investment has been made into the extra-curricular programme on offer to our students, lunch time sports activities are now on offer daily and our before/after school programme has grown significantly as a result of this investment. Broadening the range of activities will allow us to engage with more students.